Merchants or services that may not accept pre-paid cards
The services and merchants below are ones that we have confirmed will not work with StatesCard directly as they do not support purchases using pre-paid cards.
Generally, it is your responsibility to reach out to the seller and confirm they will accept pre-paid cards before trying to make a purchase using StatesCard.
For a potential work-around for payment, please see the the bottom of the guide.
- Fubo TV
- Pararmount+
- Discovery+ (US)
- YouTube TV
- DirectTV Stream
- Peacock Tv
- ChatGPT
- Tidal
- Qobuz
- Pandora (Music)
- MotorTrend On Demand
Sellers may accept pre-paid cards for some items but not others - Please contact the seller before purchasing to confirm they accept pre-paid digital Visa's.
- Walmart
- BestBuy
- Gamestop
- Motor Trend
- Most gift cards and pre-paid card sellers usually do not accept pre-paid payments.
If you are looking to subscribe to the subscription services above, you may be able to do so using the mobile in-app purchase method:
- Confirmed working with Paramount+, Discovery+, Peacock, MotorTrend On Demand, F1 TV.
- The method below will only work if the app's payments go through Google's/Apple's payment system.
- Add StatesCard as a payment method to your US Google account or US Apple account.
- Download the desired service's mobile app to your phone or tablet.
- Use a valid VPN or Smart DNS service to access the app.
- Subscribe to the service from within the app itself using Google's/Apple's in-app checkout system, simple select StatesCard as the payment method.